La Navidad llega a Toledo con un espectáculo único de luz, color y sonido para los niños...y los mayores.



Un espectáculo programado por el Ayuntamiento, para niños y mayores con el aliciente de ser el mas inclusivo de la historia y con un pase especial para niños TEA.

Se podrá disfrutar en la Puerta de Bisagra los días 20 y 21 de diciembre con el pase especial inclusivo el sábado a las seis de la tarde. Accesible para todas las personas para mostrar el aspecto mas inclusivo de Toledo.

Cuento de Navidad

La proyección trata sobre un cuento de Navidad para los niños toledanos con proyección directa en la Puerta de Bisagra.

El espectáculo cuenta con voces de actores y actrices de doblaje de gran interés, como Luis Posada (Jim Carrey, Leonardo DiCaprio o Johnny Depp), Marta Covas (Anna Kendrick o Dragon Ball Z), Óscar barberán (Tadeo Jones o Woody en Toy Story) y José Javier Serrano (El Rey León 2), entre otros.

The Chinese and Japanese had very different responses to the foreign imperialism, In this essay, we will explore the similarities and differences of these responses. China and Japan had very different reactions to the foreign imperialists. China was trying to keep the foreign influence out, while Japan was trying to learn from the foreign imperialists.There were a lot of different foreign imperialists, which were Germany, Portuguese, Britain, France, Russia, Austria-Hungary, USA, and Italy, that had approached both China and Japan. China\’s and Japan\’s reactions affected their military strength, religion, and relations to the countries.

Japan\’s and China\’s religion weren\’t very different, even though they had similarities there were still quite a few differences that are quite big. One of the major differences between China and Japan is that the religious leader or the Emperor in both religions is that in China the Emperor leads the whole country while the Japanese Emperor only governs the religious aspects of the country. They were both heavily influenced by Confucianism, they both have a strong sense of loyalty, Japan and China were also influenced by Buddhism. China had allowed Jesuit scholars to enter their domain and spread Catholicism, and Christian scholars spread Christianity. The legit essay writing company for students will provide the students with best essays, so try to navigate at UKEssay and have a good time. Japan\’s and China\’s religions were not all that different, it was just a few things here and there that had made differences but all religions have at least small differences that affect how the religion is and how they react to different things.

Trata de llevar a la ciudad una nueva experiencia inolvidable para los mas pequeños sin descuidar tampoco a los mas mayores que disfrutaran de este innovador cuento navideño.

Comienza la historia

Nos cuenta la historia de una fabrica de regalos instalada en la propia puerta de Bisagra donde los niños tendrán que ayudar a los Reyes Magos a repartir los juguetes de Navidad para que ningún niño se quede sin regalo esa noche.

La magia de la Navidad llega a Toledo a través de un espectáculo de luz y sonido.

Aquí os dejamos un enlace como aperitivo de la proyección.
